Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Bonzoi: The Interactive e-Book Revolution

Are you a writer and looking for a break to publish your first book? Writing is a beautiful passion and many of us are having an inborn talent to write and explore new ideas of life. Getting your book published is really one of the difficult tasks as it involves steps like preparing manuscripts, grammar and spell checking, editing of the sentence structures, final manuscript printing, searching publishers around, expecting a positive response from publisher around and marketing the book. To write a book is simple but to get it publish is difficult. 

Bonzoi: The Interactive e-Book Revolution:
Have you heard about book realtime collaboration? Bonzoi is an online book publishing company that offers 100% Author copyrighted royalties and unlimited encoded cloud storage. Its dream of every single author to get their work published as writing includes a lot of effort and interest; if you are having a similar dream then you must log on to Bonzoi for getting educated on book collaboration

Bonzoi BLINKROOM is one of the places to get started as you will find many published as well as struggling authors to share their thoughts with you. It is a fun place where you can meet people sharing same passion like you and this really helps in motivating and boosting your book publishing idea.  In short, Bonzoi is simply a platform promoting world literacy by helping Authors and Journalists to come together on a user-friendly platform. 

Authors will be able to avail a separate dashboard where they can maintain their author profile and recent updates in a separate way. Once the author gets registered with Bonzoi by accepting the terms and conditions of the company then he/she can get started with their book publishing concept. The best thing about Bonzoi is that it offers the book publishing for free of cost to any author registered with it. All you need to do is get started with Bonzoi by filling the registration details.

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