Tuesday, 15 May 2012

What available options do Bonzoi have for Writers?

Bonzoi is the best free book writing platform existing till date as it offers very easy and simple entry exit options for the writers. Writers can join Bonzoi anytime by simply getting their email address registered and can start using all the facilities offered by Bonzoi to writers worldwide. As it is one of the best flexible options for book publishing; it is really liked by authors and the same can be noticed from their Bonzoi community status. 

Bonzoi offers unique yet creative options for the writers at its door. Firstly, the writers are free to join Bonzoi without paying any extra pennies or amount. Secondly, joining Bonzoi is fun as it helps with options like Community chats, Bonzoi author Blinkroom, BragBooks Author space, etc. It means all the authors can share similar book writing platform by joining Bonzoi.

One of the unique things offered by Bonzoi is its book collaboration offer. Book realtime collaboration is recently heard from Bonzoi that benefits the Bonzoi registered authors with a service to ask authors for helping their in current book via any chapter, research, translation, etc and this in turn makes the book writing or book publishing idea more easy and simple. It brings the different authors on one single publication and therefore it is also called as book simultaneous collaboration

At Bonzoi, the authors can get benefit in many ways and hence it is also called as one of the versatile book writing platforms introduced so far on the web. To help your work in getting quickly published, Bonzoi always stand ready for you. Writers can use the Bonzoi Blinkroom, Bonzoi dashboard, BragBooks Author room and many more facilities to get completely involved with other writers/authors. 

To sum up, Bonzoi has amazing and wide numbers of options for the writers worldwide. Go Bonzoi now and get your first book published for Free!

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