Wednesday, 2 May 2012

How writing can change your career with Bonzoi?

Writing is a selfless expression. It includes a lot of expressions, emotions, efforts and time. Earlier writing was seen as one of the most difficult professions because there were lack of publishers and lack of knowledge and even lack of appreciation and demand from the audience for new writings and talent. Today the world has changed and it has given birth to new ideas and ways of life and writing has become one of the most wanted talents across the globe. 

Currently you will find many book writing platforms compared to the situation that prevailed years before. Bonzoi is one of the newest and innovative book writing platforms that includes the concept of book realtime collaboration that invites multiple author works on one single publication. This is truly a mind-blowing concept as it minimizes the risks of publication and increases the chances of earning for every single author collaborated with it.

If your passion has been writing since years then it can simply change your world with Bonzoi:  an interactive e-Book revolution. Bonzoi will tell you in detail about how to publish your book, when to publish it and what are the benefits of publishing it with Bonzoi platform. There are author guidelines disclosed publically on their website that even guarantees the author with 100% author royalties and amazing cloud storage for preserving the author manuscripts in a secured way.

With Bonzoi, publishing a book becomes simply easy and fun. For the same they have mentioned on their website that with Bonzoi, writing is always fun! Bonzoi even offers the publishers to integrate over the platform and use the cloud space by getting registered with Bonzoi. By turning to Bonzoi, the authors can become a part of BragBooks publications. To sum up, going Bonzoi is simply a mind blowing idea!

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