Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Writing is fun with Bonzoi: Go Bonzoi

Bonzoi simply turns writing into fun and excitement. It is one of the growing communities of authors, readers and publishers where talent earns a new book writing platform. If you have always been dreaming of publishing a book then Bonzoi turns this dream true with book collaboration offer. It offers 100% Author Copyrighted royalties and unlimited encrypted cloud storage. 

Bonzoi helps authors across the world in experiencing a safe and user friendly network in which they can visually discover the world of literally and digitally graphic arts in completely innovative environment. Bonzoi book writing platform is open for both established as well as struggling authors across the globe. Using their book simultaneous collaboration offer, it is easy for any author to turn famous and known in the writing world. 

Authors can even experience the live BLINKROOM where they can meet and greet authors and publishers from around the globe. Bonzoi simply offers with the means via which a registered user can express and test with writing while using the creative tools in BragBooks Author to cabinet photographic and illustrative talent, writing flair, as well as graphic and digitally artistic skills. 

Go Bonzoi Today:
Joining Bonzoi is completely free of cost. Authors from across the globe can simply get registered with the Bonzoi family for free of cost and get their dashboard ready. It is one of the best self publish book platform where writers can find their own identity and name with 100% author royalties. 

The Bonzoi terms of services are disclosed on the official webpage of Bonzoi. Authors need to read it carefully before getting started with Bonzoi book collaboration offer. To sum up, Bonzoi is the interactive e-Book revolution that can change your life by giving a perfect book realtime collaboration break.

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